Friday, January 18, 2013

Painting Drama Project

Costume doodles for my "Audacious Accomplishment" - a project I'm working on as a part of Chris Oatley's Painting Drama course.

Started to play with some color ideas to generate more ideas. Ladies first :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Value Studies

Jez Tuya made a suggestion to do some Rembrandt studies recently and I just finished a short one as well as a Bouguereau. Learning a lot from this, value can be like an optical illusion and it's hard not to get tricked XP I keep thinking that certain areas are the same value and I end up totally flattening the piece. This is something I've always struggled with but I'm working on it so hopefully my other pieces will improve as I continue addressing my weaknesses one by one. 

Did a quick layover of the original Bouguereau image during the process as well to pinpoint and drawover some of the consistently off decisions I seem to make when working on portraiture...I think I'll do some underlying structural studies after some more of these value pieces. I get too caught up in the lines and don't tune into the value and structure enough. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Miss Perfection

My rendition of a great character that Scott Wiser created, namely "Miss Perfection"
The story is a classic who-dunnit so I just HAD to go B&W :)
Check out his work at:

Bust Study

From the "Sculptures at the Louvre" photoset on 

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka!

I loved all the actors in the recent version - great faces! 

It's an 80's Post-Apocalyptic future!

First thought that popped into my head: high cut exercise leotards...yup. The 80's left a strong impression on me ;)

Art from the vault

Got stuck on each of these for different reasons. I've been learning some enlightening stuff through Chris Oatley's Painting Drama course though so I figured I'd dredge them up and try to better analyze why I got stuck and how I could've improved them. I posted them here for anyone who wants to chime in with a critique or suggestion :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Springville Public Library Staff

Each of the portraits is inspired by illustrators or styles that I thought matched the staff member's personality :) A fun project to commemorate everyone who worked so hard to make the new building work awesomely :)